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  • angelamegrey

Farfalle con Salmone e Asparagi

I love this dish when I go to Italian restaurants in America, although I have yet to see it on a menu in Italy. Usually they serve a pasta course, and then a “secondo” which would be the fish or meat course. Then there’s a "contorni", which are the veggie side dishes (think steak house.) This recipe has the fish and veg right in it! Usually when you get it in America it has a cream based sauce, so I wanted to lighten it up a bit. It’s very light, healthy and great for a mid-week quick meal. Serves 4

1 box farfalle pasta

2 4oz salmon fillets (you can add 1 fillet for each person but you don't need to)

1 bunch asparagus

½ cup chicken (or veggie) broth

½ dry white wine

3 cloves garlic

Pinch of chili flakes

Olive oil

zest of 1 lemon

Boil the water for pasta, and make to directions on the box. While that is cooking, you can make the rest of the meal! Right when the water goes on the stove, I start chopping! Slice the garlic real thin, chop the asparagus into bite sized pieces, and the salmon into cubes.

Drizzle a generous amount of olive oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add garlic and chili flakes to flavor the oil. Let simmer for a few minutes, and remove the garlic. We’re just trying to flavor the oil here. Then add the asparagus and sauté for a few more minutes. Then add the fish. Your pasta should be in the water by now. Add the chicken broth and the wine to the pan, and gently stir to incorporate. Turn down to low and let simmer until the fish is cooked and pasta done. Once the pasta is done, add it to the pan. Zest the lemon over the dish, and toss to incorporate. It’s ready to serve!

You can always add parmigiano cheese to taste if you like.

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Unknown member
Mar 23, 2021

Ooo, this is so easy to make and looks delish! Thank you for posting this wonderful dish. Did you add any pecorino to it?

Mar 23, 2021
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I always do! :)

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