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  • angelamegrey

Eggplant Parmesan

Updated: Aug 23, 2020

This recipe couldn’t get any easier! It's one of my favorite comfort foods, and this is a healthier version without losing the flavor. I always loved my mother’s recipe and the smell in my house. Then I would go to my best friend Michelle’s house and her mom would also make us that dish! SO GOOD!! This recipe tries to be a little healthier. While there’s nothing like breaded and fried eggplant, this won’t pack on the calories as much.

1 eggplant

1 package Vio Life shredded vegan mozzarella (or the real thing!)

1 c Tomato sauce (you can use jarred, or unfreeze some from the last big batch of sauce made from my other recipe!)

1 c grated parmesan cheese

Slice the eggplant into ¼ - ½ inch thick slices so they can retain their structure. I like to keep the skin on for that reason, and the skin always has the nutrients! Preheat grill to 350, or use grill pan on the stove, and grill sliced eggplant on both sides just enough to get those grill marks and a little char. No need to salt these first because the grill sucks out the moisture. Once the eggplant slices are cool, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Now begin to assemble the stacks in the dish. One layer of eggplant, then a dollop of sauce, sprinkle of mozzarella, sprinkle of parmesan cheese, and repeat. I’m usually able to get about 3 layers in each stack. Make sure to cover with the cheese at the end. Back for about 20 minutes until cheese is melted. Then, at the last minute, turn on the broiler and broil for about 3-5 minutes to get that cheese browned and a little crispy!

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Aug 23, 2020

I will definitely try this Eggplant parmesan dish. It looks so darn healthy and wonderful to taste! Thank you!

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